Critic / Journalist
评论人 / 记者
Liu Min is a Chinese journalist living in France and she is a member of the International Federation of Film Critics and the French Union of Film Critics. She is also vice chairman of Prix Lumières. She has twenty years of experience in reporting three major European film festivals and other important film exhibitions. She was once the correspondent of New Film and Film World based in French. Liu Min has reported the overseas film festivals for Sina Entertainment for over ten years and was invited to write film reviews and report film festivals as well as cultural events for many domestic media, such as iWeekly and Beijing Youth Daily. In recent years, she has been committed to film production, publicity, distribution, and cultural exchanges between China and France, and assisted in the liaison between Shanghai International Film Festival and Europe.
旅法记者,费比西国际影评人协会和法国国家影评人协会会员,法国卢米埃尔外国记者协会副主席。二十年欧洲三大电影节及其它重要影展报道经验。曾为《新电影》、《电影世界》驻法记者。十多年来,为新浪娱乐做海外电影节报道工作,并受邀为《周末画报》、《北青报》等众多国内媒体撰写影评、电影节和文化报道。 近年来还致力于电影制作、宣传、发行和中法电影文化交流工作,协助上海国际电影节欧洲工作联络。