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Adrian Jonas Haim

Adrian Jonas Haim (*1991 Vienna) does film and politics in Vienna and elsewhere. Studies of Political Science & Experimental Game Cultures at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna. Involved in various writing, music and art projects with a focus on marxism and ideology in cross media culture. Former editor at MALMOE Zeitung, programmer for film series on politics of remembrance (Filmclub Tacheles, Vienna Jewish Filmfestival, This Human World Filmfestival). Joined Total Refusal in 2020.

阿德里安·乔纳斯·哈伊姆(Adrian Jonas Haim)于1991年生在维也纳,从事电影和政治工作。他在维也纳应用艺术大学攻读政治科学和实验游戏文化专业。他参与了多个写作、音乐和艺术项目,重点关注跨媒体文化中的马克思主义和意识形态。曾担任MALMOE Zeitung的前编辑,是政治纪念电影系列的策划者(Filmclub Tacheles、Vienna Jewish Filmfestival、This Human World)。他于2020年加入了Total Refusal工作室。



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