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Aylin Gökmen

Aylin Gökmen is a Swiss-Turkish filmmaker who earned a B.A. in Arts from Lausanne University and an M.A. in Documentary Filmmaking from the DocNomads program. Combining documentary and fictional approach, her works revolve around themes of memory, imagination and landscape, and have been screened internationally. In 2020, she founded the production society “A Vol d’Oiseau”. She is also a contributor and co-curator of the Docs in Orbit podcast, and an executive member of SWAN (Swiss Women's Audiovisual Network).

Aylin Gökmen是一位瑞士-土耳其导演,在洛森大学获得了艺术学士学位,并在DocNomads项目获得了纪录片制作硕士学位。结合了纪实与虚构结合的方法,她的作品主题围绕着记忆,想象力和景观,并在国际上进行了不同程度的展映。2020年,她成立了制片公司 A Vol d’Oiseau。她也是Docs in Orbit 播客的贡献者和共同策划者以及瑞士女性视听网络的执行成员。

Spirits and Rocks: an Azorean Myth


Spirits and Rocks: an Azorean Myth
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