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Beau Han Bridge

Beau Han Bridge is a Chinese Canadian Film Actor and Narrative Film Director. He holds an MFA in Film Production and a Graduate Diploma in Asian Studies from York University, as well as a Bachelor of Arts in Criminology and Psychology from Simon Fraser University. He is drawn to exploring how social psychology and cultural identity can be reconstructed through intersectional film styles and character driven narratives. He has received research fellowships, an Ontario Arts Council grant, and a Social Science & Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Canada Graduate Scholarship for his thesis research on Chinese Canadian cultural identity and translation through film.

韩博渊(Beau Han Bridge)是一位中加电影演员和导演。他拥有约克大学电影制作硕士学位和亚洲研究研究生文凭,以及西蒙菲莎大学刑事学和心理学学士学位。他致力于通过交叉电影风格和以角色为驱动的叙述来重新构建社会心理学和文化身份。他曾获得研究奖学金、安大略艺术理事会资助,以及社会科学与人文研究理事会的加拿大研究生奖学金,用于他关于中加文化身份和翻译的论文研究。

She Sings for the World


She Sings for the World
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