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Bethany de Forest

Bethany de Forest
Director, scenario and production design.
Born: September 9 1966, Stoneham Mass, U.S.A.
Study: HKU Utrecht, the Netherlands
Lives and works in Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Bethany de Forest is an artist who works with dioramas. Her miniature sets are captured by means of photography and film. Seemingly life-size worlds wherein she creates her own reality.
Recurring theme in her work is the border between Utopia and Dystopia. Climate change, industrialisation and in this case the bio industry are a visual inspiration for her. All background visuals in ‘CHICK WASH’ are miniature sets built in her studio.

Bethany de Forest从事导演及场景与制作设计工作,于1966年9月9日出生在美国马塞诸塞州的斯托纳姆,曾就读于荷兰乌得勒支艺术学院,现居荷兰阿姆斯特丹。 Bethany de Forest是一名研究透视缩影的艺术家,通过摄影和电影的拍摄方式呈现她的微型布景。在这个栩栩如生的世界里,Bethany创造出了属于她自己的现实世界。 她的作品中反复出现的主题是乌托邦与反乌托邦的边界。在气候变化和工业化的背景下,生物产业是她的视觉灵感来源。《Chick Wash》中的所有视觉背景都来自她的工作室里建造的微型场景。 (Yuchen Lu)

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