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Ceyda Asar

Ceyda Aşar had a master degree at Bahcesehir University, Cinema and Television. Her first novel "Awful Things, Happy Endings/Fena Şeyler, Mutlu Sonlar) is published by KaraKarga (2022). Worked as a screenwriter and script doctor & consultant for TV series and for feature films which won many national and international awards such as "But Müzeyyen That's the Deepest Desire" (2014- Feature, Screenwriter) "Coastliners" (2016- Feature, Screenwriter) "In the Shadows" (2020- Feature, Script Doctor), "Ghosts" (2020- Feature, Script Consultant.) A Small Mistake (Feature, Screenwriter, Pre-Production)

塞达·阿萨尔(Ceyda Aşar)在巴赫塞希尔大学获得电影与电视硕士学位。她曾担任电视剧和获得多项国内外奖项的长片的编剧、剧本医生及顾问,其中包括《但是穆泽耶恩,这才是最深切的渴望》(2014年 - 长片,编剧)《海岸线》(2016年 - 长片,编剧)《阴影之下》(2020年 - 长片,剧本医生)《幽灵》(2020年 - 长片,剧本顾问)。她正在创作一部新的长片《小失误》(编剧,前期制作中)。

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