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Florence Rochat
After studying literature and cinema at the Sorbonne-Nouvelle, Florence Rochat devoted herself to writing and directing. She developed several short film projects, including Made in Flesh (Poupées de chair), which she directed in 2022, produced by Les Films du Cygne and Cookies films, pre-purchased by Canal+. She also co-wrote Jonathan Millet's first feature film Les Fantômes, produced by Films Grand Huit, winner of the Moulin d'Andé Francophone residency, Groupe Ouest, Emergence and the Grand Prix 2022 at the Prix du Scénario (formerly Sopadin). At the same time, she works as a lecturer at the Cinémathèque Française and is about to publish a book of interviews of Alain Bergala on cinema.
在巴黎新索邦大学学习文学和电影后,弗洛伦丝·罗沙特(Florence Rochat)致力于写作和导演。她策划了几个短片项目,包括她于2022年执导的《Made in Flesh》(Poupées de chair)。她还与乔纳森·米勒特(Jonathan Millet)共同撰写了第一部长片《 Les Fantômes》。同时,她还在法国电影资料馆担任讲师,并即将出版一本关于电影的阿兰·贝尔加拉(Alain Bergala)访谈的书。