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Guillermo Moncayo

Guillermo Moncayo studied cinema in Bogotá (Colombia), then plastic arts at the art school of Aix en Provence (France). He then integrated the Studio National des Arts contemporains, Le Fresnoy. His work, which lies between experimental video, installation and documentary film, has been exhibited in numerous events in France and abroad. His films have been presented at several international film festivals including CPH:DOX, The New York Film Festival, Ann Arbor, IndieLisboa, Oberhausen and Punto de Vista.

Guillermo Moncayo曾在哥伦比亚的波哥大学习电影,接着在法国普罗旺斯的艾克斯艺术学校学习造型艺术。之后,他加入了法国国家现代艺术工作室Le Fresnoy。他的作品介于实验影像、装置和纪录片之间,已在法国和国外的许多活动中展映。他的电影已经在多个国际电影节上展出,包括哥本哈根纪录片电影节、纽约电影节、安娜堡电影节等等。

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