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Iso Luengo


ISO LUENGO Got her Fine Arts' degree in 2015 from the Complutense Univerisy of Madrid, and completed her studies at Central Saint Martins, London. Her art work revolves around the act of dwelling, the boundaries between public and private life and spaces; using action art and performance, registration and archive, and audiovisual forms as her media.

伊索·卢恩戈于2015年获得西班牙马德里康普顿斯大学美术专业学位,并完成了她在英国伦敦中央圣马丁学院的学习。她的创作围绕居住空间的运动而展开,来探寻其中公共与私人空间的界限议题; 她擅长运用行为艺术、表演艺术、修复影像资料,以及视听艺术作为表达媒介。

The Interior City


The Interior City
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