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Related Film 相关作品

Joscha Kirchknopf

Joscha Kirchknopf (born in Stuttgart, Germany) is a visual artist and filmmaker based in Berlin. Together with Andrea Grambow their collaborative work revolves around people and the narratives in which they are captured. This results in non-linear stories between anthropological field research and artistic speculation. Their films are showcased internationally and have been included in festivals such as Solothurner Filmtage (Solothurn, CH), KFFK (Cologne, DE), HKAFF (HongKong) KFF (Krakow, PL), BIDFF (Bucharest, RO), Festival m4music (Zurich, CH).Their works have been on display in venues such as Haus der Fotografie, Deichtorhallen (Hamburg, DE), C/O Berlin (Berlin, DE), Multimedia Art Museum (Moscow, RU), Kunsthalle Rostock (Rostock, DE), NDR Radiophilharmonie (Hannover, DE), Annroy Gallery (London, GB), Darmstädter Tage der Fotografie (Darmstadt, DE).

约夏-基希克诺夫(Joscha Kirchknopf)出生于德国斯图加特,是一位驻柏林的视觉艺术家和导演。与安德里亚-格拉博(Andrea Grambow)一起,他们的联合作品聚焦于人物以及围绕他们展开的叙事。这些作品呈现出介于人类学田野研究和艺术推测之间的非线性故事。他们的电影在多个国际影展和各类场馆中展出。

Because We Bleed


Because We Bleed
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