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Juliane Jaschnow


Juliane Jaschnow Studies in photography at the HGB Academy of Visual Arts in Leipzig, communication and media sciences at Leipzig University. Studies of photojournalism at the Lomonosov Moscow State University, DAAD scholarship. Study abroad at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna with Thomas Heise. Professional Media Master Class of werkleitz Society. Member of the Cinematic Initiative Leipzig FILZ.

朱莉安妮·雅什瑙,曾于德国莱比锡书籍设计与平面设计学院(HGB)学习摄影专业;获得德国莱比锡大学传播与媒介研究专业本科学位;曾获德国学术交流中心奖学金,于莫斯科国立大学攻读新闻摄影专业;曾入读维也纳美术学院,师从德国著名导演托马斯海泽(Thomas Heise);曾参加Werkleitz Society举办的专业媒体大师班;莱比锡FILZ影像组织(Filmische Initiative Leipzig)成员。

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