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Kendra McLaughlin

Kendra McLaughlin is a Canadian filmmaker and a PhD student in Film & Visual Studies at Harvard University. She was previously in residence at Le Fresnoy, France’s national contemporary arts studio, and participated in Bruno Latour's School of Political Arts (SPEAP). She is currently a Fellow at the Harvard Film Study Center where she is developping her next film.

肯德拉·麦克劳林(Kendra McLaughlin)是一位加拿大导演,也是哈佛大学电影与视觉研究的博士生。她曾在法国国立当代艺术研究院(Le Fresnoy)驻留,并参与了布鲁诺·拉图尔(Bruno Latour)的政治艺术学校(SPEAP)。目前,她是哈佛电影研究中心的研究员,正在策划她的下一部电影。

The Beach of Beings


The Beach of Beings
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