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Laura Petrone

Laura Petrone & Guillaume Kerbusch are a Belgian couple who are directors and actors. Both from the same working class background of La Louvière and Charleroi, in the province of Hainaut in Wallonia. Their two first short films "Alone with her" and "Holding on" were selected in numerous Belgian and international festivals. The duo are also producers, who brought to life "La Belge Collection" which is a selection of four short films destined to putting forward young actors. Under the project, they obtained more than 200 selections in festivals as well fifty or so awards, including the Magritte ward for best short film 2022 for Xavier Seron's "Sprötch". They created the "Brussels Ciné Studio", where they organise acting workshops, designed to put filmmakers and actors in contact with each other, which brings together more than 150 young artists each year. Additionally, they are active in the theatre for young audiences.

劳拉·佩特隆纳(Laura Petrone)和纪尧姆·凯尔布什(Guillaume Kerbusch)是一对比利时夫妇,他们是导演和演员。二人分别来自瓦隆尼亚大区阿依诺省的拉鲁维尔和沙勒罗瓦,具有相同的相同工人阶级背景。 他们的前两部短片《Alone with her》和《Holding on》入围了多个比利时及国际电影节。 这对夫妇还是制片人,他们创办了“La Belge Collection”,旨在选出四部短片,以宣传年轻演员。该项目使他们获得了200多个电影节的入选,并斩获五十多个奖项。其中泽维尔-塞隆(Xavier Seron)的《Sprötch》获得的2022年马格利特最佳短片奖。 他们创建了“Brussels Ciné Studio”,在那里他们组织演技研讨会,旨在使电影制片人和演员建立联系。该项目每年汇聚150多名年轻艺术家。 此外,他们还活跃于面向年轻观众的戏剧领域。

Fake it till you make it


Fake it till you make it
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