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Leïla Gentet

After studying cinema, Leïla Gentet started working as an assistant director and made her first feature film as 1st assistant in 2022 on Pierre Jolivet's next film. In parallel to her studies, she co-directed a 52-minute film entitled "Attends-Moi je suis parti", then directed her first short film "La Voûte" in 2016 as a self-production. After 4 years of development, she directed in 2022 her first short film produced by Paraiso Production entitled "Where still water lies".

在学习电影之后,莱拉-让泰(Leïla Gentet)开始担任助理导演,并在2022年担任皮埃尔·若利维特(Pierre Jolivet)的下一部电影的第一助理导演,之后拍摄了她的第一部剧情长片。在学业期间,她联合导演了一部名为《Attends-Moi je suis parti》的52分钟影片,然后在2016年执导了自己的第一部短片《La Voûte》。经过4年的筹备,她于2022年执导了由Paraiso Production制作的第一部短片,名为《Where still water lies》。

Where Still Water Lies


Where Still Water Lies
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