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Lisa Reboulleau

After studying Humanities and Social Sciences, Lisa Reboulleau studied cinema in Paris and Marseille and specialised in documentary making. Since 2011, she has been developing her filmmaking skills, focusing on archival images. Alongside her work as a director, she works for various organisations that insist on high standards in documentary making, notably the FIDMarseille and the ‘Les Écrans du Large’ film company.

Lisa Reboulleau在攻读人文学科与社会科学之后,她前往巴黎和马赛学习电影,以纪录片制作为专业。2011年起,她开始专注于使用档案影像制作电影。在导演工作之外,她还为数家坚持高水准纪录片制作的机构工作,其中包括FIDMarseille和Écrans du Large电影公司。

Last Dream in Petra Bianca


Last Dream in Petra Bianca
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