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Malena Szlam

Malena Szlam from Chile is a filmmaker and artist who lives and works in Montreal. Situated at the intersection of experimental film and installation art, her installations and in-camera edited films engage with the material nature of analogue cinema. She is also a member of Double Negative, a collective of independent artists interested in analogue film and experimental cinema. Her work has been exhibited at IFFR, Edinburgh IFF, Toronto IFF, FICValdivia and Hong Kong IFF. ALTIPLANO (2018) is selected for the Tiger Short Competition at IFFR 2019.

智利导演和艺术家Malena Szlam现居蒙特利尔。她的装置和机内剪辑的影片很难归类,位于实验性电影与装置艺术的交汇处,与模拟电影的材料本质息息相关。 她还是Double Negative的成员,是一个对模拟电影和实验电影感兴趣的独立艺术家群体。 她的作品曾在鹿特丹、爱丁堡国际电影节、多伦多国际电影节、智利瓦尔迪维亚国际电影节和香港国际电影节展出。本片是2019年鹿特丹电影节的竞赛短片。



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