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Marcos Bonisson

Marcos Bonisson is an artist with a Master degree in Science of Art (UFF) and PhD student in Contemporary Art Studies (UFF). He participated in the 27th São Paulo Biennial (2006) and BIENALSUR (Argentina, 2019). He published the books: Arpoador (2011), Pulsar (2013) and ZigZag (2018). His most recent solo exhibitions were at the Museum of Modern Art in Rio de Janeiro (MAM-Rio, 2013) and the Maison Européenne de la Photographie (MEP-Paris, 2015).

Marcos Bonisson是一位拥有艺术科学硕士学位(UFF)并在当代艺术研究方向攻读博士学位(UFF)的艺术家。他曾参加第27届圣保罗双年展(2006)和BIENALSUR(阿根廷,2019)。他出版的书籍包括:《Arpoador》(2011)、《Pulsar》(2013)和《ZigZag》(2018)。他最近的个展分别在里约热内卢现代艺术博物馆(MAM-Rio,2013)和巴黎欧洲摄影之家(MEP-Paris,2015)举办。



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