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Mateo Vargas

Mateo Vargas is a Mexican filmmaker based in Mexico City. Their work focuses on the intersections of identity, borders, history and diaspora. Their video art has screened in festivals and galleries in Mexico, Guatemala, Colombia, Cuba, Argentina, Japan, Russia, Germany, Greece, Italy, France, Spain, the U.S. and England.

Mateo Vargas是一名来自墨西哥的电影制作人,其作品聚焦身份、边境、历史和散民。他们的艺术影像在墨西哥、危地马拉、哥伦比亚、古巴、阿根廷、日本、俄罗斯、德国、希腊、意大利、法国、西班牙、美国和英国的多个电影节和影展放映。 (Yuchen Lu)

Someday It Will Fall


Someday It Will Fall
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