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Myleine Guiard-Schmid

Graduated from INA as a camera operator, Myleine Guiard-Schmid first had a self-taught career before training in animation cinema at the Graphoui workshop in Brussels. After many trips, she set up her studio in Burgundy and directed between 2018 and 2020 her first film “Crotch Stories”, an animated documentary produced by Folle Allure.

Myleine Guiard-Schmid是一名电影摄影师,毕业于INA,后在布鲁塞尔Graphoui工作室学习动画电影。随后,她在勃艮第设立了自己的工作室,并于2018年至2020年期间执导了她的第一部电影 《私处故事》,这是一部由Folle Allure出品的动画纪录片。

Crotch Stories


Crotch Stories
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