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Nina Bouchaud Cheval

Nina Bouchaud-Cheval received a Master 2 in visual communication and she began her career 10 years ago in advertising agencies, where she created films and 360 campaigns; Her first script "The Enlightened" was discovered and winner by the CNC “Talents en court” programme in 2018, and was presented at film festivals, supported by french prestigious directors and scriptwriters. Her social and queer stories aim to bring visibility to minoritary communities. The Enlightened is her first film as a director. It starts its selections in festivals. Her second short film "Hôtel Particulier" is currently in development, and she is writing the feature film of The Enlightened.

Nina Bouchaud-Cheval拥有视觉传播硕士学位,10年前在广告公司开启了她的职业 生涯,期间她拍摄了多部电影及广告。2018年,她的第一部剧本《Les Eveillées》被CNC 法国国家电影中心短片人才项目挖掘并获奖,得到了法国著名导演和编剧的支持,并于电 影节上展出。她的故事以社会事件和同性恋为题材,旨在让大众关注少数群体。《觉醒》 是她执导的首部短片,入选了多个电影节。她的第二部短片《Hôtel Particulier》目前 正在制作中,此外她还在为《Les Eveillées》的长片版本撰写剧本。 (常瑞)

Les Eveillées


Les Eveillées
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