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Ramazan Kilic
Ramazan Kılıç who was born in Ağrı, East of Turkey 1993 studied Cinema-Tv, and Literature at İstanbul Şehir University in Istanbul. His previous film “The School Bus” competed in many prestigious film festivals. Including, Clermont-Ferrand, Leeds, PÖFF Shorts, Odense, Palm Springs, Indy Shorts, and Bogoshorts. And, he was involved as a producer for The Moisture which had its World Premiere at the 79th Venice International Film Festival in the Orizzonti Short Film Competition. His latest film Things Unheard Of won the Special Jury Mention award at Clermont-Ferrand 2023.
拉马赞·基利奇(Ramazan Kılıç)于1993年出生在土耳其东部的阿勒,在伊斯坦布尔的伊斯坦布尔城市大学学习电影电视和文学。他的影片《The School Bus》参加了各类国际电影节,包括法国克莱蒙费朗国际短片电影节、印第安纳波利斯短片电影节、波哥大短片电影节等。此外,他还担任了电影《The Moisture》的制片人,该片在第79届威尼斯国际电影节的奥里佐蒂短片竞赛单元首映。他的最新作品《Things Unheard Of》荣获了克莱蒙费朗2023年度的特别评审团奖。