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Suneil Sanzgiri

Suneil Sanzgiri is an Indian American artist, researcher, and filmmaker working to understand how systems of oppression are informed and reinforced by trauma, history, and memory. His work spans experimental film and video, animations, essays, and installations, and contends with questions of identity, heritage, culture and diaspora. Sanzgiri graduated from MIT in 2017 from the Art, Culture and Technology program. His work has been screened extensively at festivals and galleries nationally and internationally.

Suneil Sanzgiri是一位印度裔美籍艺术家,学者和电影人,致力于理解压迫系统是如何通过创伤、历史和记忆去传递信息并增强的。他的作品包括实验电影和录像,动画,散文和装置,提出身份、传承、文化和移居问题。Sanzgiri于2017年毕业于麻省理工学院艺术,文化与科技专业。他的作品在国内国际的电影节和画廊广泛展映。

At Home But Not at Home


At Home But Not at Home
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