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Tan Yukun


Yukun Tan is an award-winning, female filmmaker born in Qingdao, Shandong. She has edited many films for major studios in China, including Pegasus and Hello, Mrs. Money.(李茶的姑妈) Pegasus(飞驰人生) was nominated for Best Film Editing at the 28th Golden Rooster Award, one of China’s three most prestigious film awards.

2020 shorts《No dog in the parking lot》抓住那只小白狗
won the 2021 Best Editing Award of the Academy Award of BFA/the “Golden wings” award of the BFA,and many other awards inside and outside the country.
2021 shorts《hold on little shark》莎鲨
Selected by the 44th Moscow International Film Festival,
Selected by the FeFF film festival, Aranya waves Film Festival, etc

2020年短片作品《抓住那只小白狗》 获得2021年北京电影学院导演系金羽奖、学院奖最佳剪辑奖、2021年金鸡奖十佳推优短片等国内外多项奖项 。 2021年短片作品《莎鲨》入围第44届莫斯科国际电影节短片单元。入围2022多伦多女性之眼电影节 Female Eye Film Festival (FeFF)。剪辑作品《飞驰人生》提名第二十八届中国电影金鸡奖最佳剪辑。

Hold on Little Shark


Hold on Little Shark
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