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Tommaso Santambrogio

Tommaso Santambrogio is an Italian filmmaker and writer.
He lived and studied in Milan, Paris, Roma and La Havana and he worked with several international acclaimed directors, like Werner Herzog and Lav Diaz. His last short movies (The Last Scene and The Oceans Are the Real Continents) were both presented at the Mostra Internazionale del Cinema di Venezia and in many other important Festival all over the world.
L’Ultimo Spegne la Luce is his last short film (2021).
He is currently developing his first feature film with Rosamont and Rosso.

汤玛索·桑坦布罗吉奥(Tommaso Santambrogio)是一位意大利导演和作家。他曾在米兰、巴黎、罗马和哈瓦那生活和学习,并与多位国际著名导演合作,如沃纳·赫尔佐格(Werner Herzog)和拉夫·迪亚兹(Lav Diaz)。他的最新短片《The Last Scene》和《The Oceans Are the Real Continents》都在威尼斯国际电影节以及世界各地的许多其他重要电影节上展出。《L’Ultimo Spegne la Luce》是他的最新短片(2021年)。他目前正在开发他的首部长片。



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