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Yen-Chao Lin
Yen-Chao Lin is a Montreal-based multidisciplinary artist. Commenting on the impermanence of existence through intuitive play, collaboration and scavenging, her practice explores divination arts, folk religion, ecology and social permaculture. A self-described postmodern archivist, and natural history enthusiast, she is an avid collector of all things from found family records to Victorian ephemera and biological specimens. Her works have been shown at Berlinale (Berlin), articule (Montreal), Art Metropole (Toronto), Festival du nouveau cinéma (Montreal), OBORO (Montreal), SBC Gallery of Contemporary Art (Montreal), among others. Yen-Chao also serves as a key programmer and exhibition designer for Atelier Céladon.
林延昭是常驻蒙特利尔的跨学科艺术家。她关注存在的即逝,在作品中大量依靠直觉、与人合作和广泛搜寻,她的实践探索了占卜、民间宗教、生态学和社会永续文化。她自称为后现代档案工作者,爱好自然史,拾得的家庭纪录、维多利亚时期的日用品和生物标本,她都收藏。 她的作品曾在柏林电影节、Articleule(蒙特利尔)、Art Metropole(多伦多)、新电影节(蒙特利尔)、OBORO(蒙特利尔),SBC当代艺术画廊(蒙特利尔)展出。 林延昭还是Atelier Céladon的程序员和展览设计。