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Yusuf Radjamuda

Yusuf radjamuda, grows and works in Palu. In 2010, he attended a workshop Kickstart! Palu organized by In-Docs. Some of his short films were screened in Film Festival Solo, Film Festival Malang. International Film Festifal, Jogja-Netpac Asian Film Festival. His short film: The Backyards got several awards in Indonesia,among others; Dewantara Cup – Film Appreciaton Indonesia in 2013, Ladrang Award-Solo Film Festival2013, Best Director France-Cinema Festival 2013. Screened at international film festivals such as Hanoi IFF 2014 and competed in the Dubai International Film Festival 2013, Vladivostok IFF 2014, Tissa IFF Morocco 2014, Experimenta Bangalore India, 2015.

Yusuf Radjamuda成长工作于帕卢。在2010年,他参与了In-Docs举办的Kickstart! Palu活动。他的一些短片作品被入选过索罗电影节、玛琅电影节、印尼日惹NETPAC亚洲电影节。他的短片《后院》在印度尼西亚和海外都获得过多个奖项,包括:2014年印度尼西亚电影德宛达拉奖;2013年索罗电影节的拉德朗奖;2013年法国电影节的最佳导演奖。同时还在许多国际电影节中展映,包括2014年的Hanoi IFF,还有2013年迪拜电影节、2014年的Vladivostok IFF与摩洛哥Tissa IFF,以及2015年的印度班加罗尔实验电影展中竞赛。

The Backyard


The Backyard
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