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Yvette Granata
Yvette Granata is a media artist based in Detroit. She creates immersive installations, hybrid films, video art, interactive environments, and hypothetical technological systems. Her work has been exhibited at the Harvard Carpenter Center for the Arts, Viz Laboratory for Visual Culture in Athens, The Eye Film Institute in Amsterdam, The Kunsthalle of Media and Light Art in Detroit, Papy Gyro Nights in Norway and Hong Kong, Hallwalls Contemporary Arts Center, and Squeaky Wheel Media Arts Center in Buffalo, among others. Yvette also produced the hybrid documentary, City World (2012) which premiered internationally at CPH:DOX and won best documentary at Cinema on the Edge in LA. She holds a Phd from SUNY Buffalo’s Media Arts Phd Program, and a Masters from the University of Amsterdam. She also likes to write about media theory, philosophy, and digital media culture.
Yvette Granata是一位底特律媒体艺术家,阿姆斯特丹大学硕士,纽约州立大学布法罗分校媒体艺术博士,爱好媒体理论、哲学及数字媒体文化。她创造了沉浸式装置艺术、混合影片、视频艺术、互动环境及虚拟技术系统。其作品曾在哈佛大学卡朋特艺术中心、雅典视觉文化实验室、荷兰EYE电影博物馆等艺术机构展映。她还创作虚构式纪录电影,其作品《City World》(2012)在哥本哈根国际纪录片电影节全球首映,并获得洛杉矶边缘影像独立电影节最佳纪录片奖。(王丹宁)