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Zhenia Kazankina

Born in Moscow, Russia in 1996, Zhenia Kazankina is a writer-director and a graduate of the Gerasimov Institute of Cinematography (VGIK). Her work revolves around themes of solitude, attachment, and alienation from a feminine perspective. Her short films have screened internationally in festivals such as Palm Springs International ShortFest, ZINEBI Film Festival and Locarno Film Festival amongst others. She is currently working as a freelance independent artist and filmmaker.

1996年生于俄罗斯莫斯科,齐尼娅·卡赞基娜(Zhenia Kazankina)是一位作家兼导演,毕业于格拉西莫夫电影电视学院(VGIK)。她的作品围绕着孤独、依恋和女性视角下的疏离等主题。她的短片作品曾在国际各大电影节上展映,目前是一位自由职业的独立艺术家和导演。

Three Secret Clues of Longing


Three Secret Clues of Longing
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