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Related Film 相关作品

Zhu Yunyi


Yunyi ZHU is a Chinese artist, he graduated from Tsinghua University Academy of Fine Arts in sculpture and Le Fresnoy - Studio national des arts contemporains. His works are mainly in the form of film and installations. His movie Everything Near Becomes Distant was selected for the Official Competition Selection of Cinéma du Réel.

出生于山东滕州,毕业于中国清华大学美术学院雕塑系、法国Le Fresnoy国家当代艺术工作室。作品形式多以影像、装置为主。 2022年以《一切近的都将远去》入围法国真实影展正式竞赛。

Everything Near Becomes Distant


Everything Near Becomes Distant
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