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Zoey Cao


Zoey Cao majors in Film & Television Photography and Production at Communication University of China. She is the co-writer of the drama feature, Drifted In Life, co-writer and Director of Photography of the drama feature, Chang’E. The films entered the 9th Chongqing Youth Film Festival, the 2nd Shenyang Film Festival, the 16th Lucca Film Festival, 11th FICBC - Balneário Camboriú International Film Festival, Odyssey UK-China Film Festival, multiple in-person screenings in mainland China, and the biggest independent Chinese films streaming platform, CathayPlay. She directed and wrote multiple short films, Devour, An abortion, and A backstage conversation. She has won the general champion of the selection of new literary talent by Shanghai Writers Association, the first prize in Shanghai Poetry Creation Competition.

中国传媒大学影视摄影与制作专业学生。担任剧情长片《流水无尽》联合编剧、剧情长片《常娥》联合编剧与摄影指导,并入围第九届重庆青年影展、第二届沈阳影展、第十六届意大利卢卡电影节、第11届巴西Balneário Camboriú国际电影节、Odyssey英中电影节,多次在中国大陆举行线下放映,与最大的华语独立电影流媒体平台CathayPlay线上放映。曾导演、编剧短片作品《生吞》、《一次流产》、《后台对话》。曾获上海市作家协会文学新秀选拔总冠军,上海市诗歌创作大赛一等奖。

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