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Ana Maria Ferro
Colombian director and screenwriter graduated from the Uniagustiniana film and televisión program.Ana Maria Has directed two academic shortsfilms: Verde Manzana (2016), this shortfilm participated in the clermot ferrant market. In addition to this, he was granted recognition in Lanterna Film Festival (2017) and Midbo (2017). His second shortfilm is his graduated work. Cerdos (2020), this film was awarded a special mention at the signo da noite film festival.In 2021 she wins an incentive to make his first professional shortfilm Estirpe (2023).
哥伦比亚导演和编剧,毕业于奥古斯丁安娜大学电影电视制作专业。 安娜·玛丽·费罗亚执导了两部学术短片:《 Verde Manzana》(2016),这部短片参与了法国克莱蒙费朗短片电影节市场单元。她的第二部短片是她的毕业作品《Cerdos》(2020),该片在葡萄牙里斯本夜之歌国际艺术节上获得了特别提及奖。
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