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Ricardo YUI
Ricardo Yui is a Peruvian-born Visual Artist and Filmmaker living and working between Lima (PE) and Amsterdam (NL). He holds the Master of Arts degree from the ENSP d’Arles (FR).
His projects and films have been supported by many institutions. Having produced, written and directed five short films, his work has been internationally exhibited and screened. Nowadays, Ricardo develops his first feature film project.
Ricardo Yui是一位秘鲁视觉艺术家以及电影人,他在秘鲁的利马与荷兰的阿姆斯特丹两城之间生活工作,拥有国立阿尔勒摄影学院的艺术硕士学位。他的作品被全球多个机构支持,自编自导并制片的五部短片参与了多项电影节以及展览的放映。目前他正在制作第一部长片。
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