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Stefano P. Testa


Stefano P. Testa was born in 1988. He lives and works in Bergamo (Italy) as director, camera operator, video editor, colorist and post production technician. He collaborates with Lab 80 film and Bergamo Film Meeting in documentary films production. His first film, Moloch (2017, 82’), won the Best Documentary Award at 23rd edition of Visioni Italiane in Bologna. The Second Principle of Hans Liebschner (2020, 88’), won the Prospettive Award at the 40th Filmmaker Festival in Milan, the Popular Jury Award at the 36th Linea D’Ombra Film Festival in Salerno, the Audience Award and Best Editing Award at Documentaria in Palermo. Caro Mostro (2023, 16’) is selected out of competition for its world premiere at the 30th Sheffield Doc Fest, and subsequently screened at over twenty international
festivals, receiving numerous awards and special mentions.

斯特凡诺·P.泰斯塔(Stefano P. Testa)生于1988年,现居意大利贝加莫,从事导演、摄影师、视频编辑、调色师及后期制作技术员的工作。他与Lab 80电影公司及贝加莫电影节合作制作纪录片。他的首部电影《摩洛克》(Moloch,2017,82分钟)荣获博洛尼亚第23届意大利影像奖最佳纪录片奖。《汉斯·李布施纳的第二原理》(The Second Principle of Hans Liebschner,2020,88分钟)在米兰第40届电影制作人节获得“前景奖”,在萨莱诺第36届阴影线电影节获大众评审奖,在巴勒莫Documentaria电影节获得观众奖及最佳剪辑奖。《亲爱的怪物》(Caro Mostro,2023,16分钟)在谢菲尔德纪录片节第30届的世界首映被选为非竞赛影片,随后在二十多家国际电影节上展映,并荣获多项奖项和特别提名。

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Dear Monster
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