NOVA新星竞赛单元是BISFF对青少年视野的沉浸式的感受和观察——以及一种并肩的共同抵抗。长久以来,成长影像(coming-of-age imagery)以及其作者时常接收到两种矛盾的外部信号,一方面人们期望其无所不能、无所不用,另一方面又期望其青涩和笨拙,充满可供训导的空间余地,其评价系统中通常包含着一条诡异而离奇的标准,那就是有必要将作品内外的“不成熟”对等,这些判断通常会被假以美学和产业等名义,从多个方向层层包裹。
更进一步,谁又能确定自己真正“成长”了呢?也许成长本身正如在《破碎》(Break, 2023, Odelya Atlasovitch)中展现的,是一种彻骨的煎熬后的漫长和解,而其中仅剩的所有欢愉都会归于平静?又或者像Poquinca(2023, Sasha Gransjean)中暗示的,成长并不存在,它是一种同外界环境不断磨合而产生的痛感转化而成的被误解为“青春”的舞蹈性?像《欧律狄刻,欧律狄刻》(Euridice, Euridice,2023,Lora Mure-Ravaud)中呈现的如影随形的互动关系连同其探索过程?碑木(Bi-Mok, 2023, Baro Lee)中将双手触向种族身份的边界,并在其周围不断地徘徊和试探?又或者是《有心之失》(Accidentally Intentional, 2023, Kevin Rahardjo)和《肉身娃娃》(Poupées de chair, 2023, Florence Rochat, Séréna Robin)中全然被动的被摆布感,这意味着成长等同于一种承受?
NOVA section is an immersive exploration of adolescents. Together with the youngsters, we protest against some contradictory judgements long haunting the coming-of-age imagery and its creators. They are expected to be omnipotent and versatile while at the same time young and clumsy as an object under discipline; they are bizarrely required to be immature both in-and-outside the work.
As for such judgements, wrapped by the cloak of aesthetic and industrial demands is a kind of absurdity. The NOVA, therefore, is designed to unveil the disguise and peel away the external discipline imposed upon the theme of coming-of-age and related imagery without exerting new stress on them. Rather than such product of indoctrination and compromise, we prefer a creation nurtured by internal self-awakening.
Furthermore, the coming-of-age itself is hard to define. Perhaps as portrayed in "Break", it is a thorough and lengthy reconciliation, as agony prolongs and all remained joy fades away; or as hinted in "Poquinca", it turns into the pain of acclimating which is mistaken for “youth”. It also could be a close interaction with self-examination in “Euridice, Euridice”, an uncertain touch over the boundary of ethic identity in “Bi-mok”, or a passive manipulation featured in "Accidentally Intentional" and “Poupées de chair”, as an indication that coming-of-age is a synonym of endurance.
Among these discussions, a sole end is desired at the tapering path of growth, since the coming-of-age imagery is always expected to reflect an individual. Yet, it is ignored that it can also reflect the times. Sometimes it’s so hard to tell real world from imagery, like roaming in mist while breathing in hallucination. But don’t worry, you won’t lost your way — even in such obscure mix of reality and fantasy, you are not alone. (Translator:赵没电 Zhao Meidian)

Because We Bleed|因为我们会流血
Andrea Grambow, Joscha Kirchknopf
2023|0:13:50|Germany|English|亚洲首映 Asia Premiere
George-Alex Nagle
2021|0:33:03|Australia|English|中国大陆首映Chinese Mainland Premiere
Paula Wilczyńska
2023|0:12:45|Poland|Polish|世界首映 World Premiere
何梓源 Leomax He
2023|0:16:58|USA, China|English, Cantonese|亚洲首映 Asia Premiere
Accidentally Intentional|有心之失
Kevin Rahardjo
2023|0:14:07|Indonesia Indonesian|中国大陆首映 Chinese Mainland Premiere
Angry Fish|愤怒的鱼
Kostas Chaliasas
2023|0:15:00|Greece|Greek|国际首映 International Premiere
Cristina Sánchez
2022|0:15:00|Colombia|Spanish|亚洲首映 Asia Premiere
Serpêhatiyên Neqewimî|Things Unheard Of|沉默故事
Ramazan Kiliç
2023|0:15:36|Turkey|Kurdish|中国大陆首映 Chinese Mainland Premiere
Franco Clerc
2023|0:17:00|Madagascar|Malagasy|亚洲首映 Asia Premiere
La Ilusión Transparente|The Transparent Illusion|透明的幻想
Edgar Rodríguez Lara
2022|0:11:00|Mexico|Spanish; Castilian|亚洲首映 Asia Premiere
Mångata - The Road To The Moon|通往月之路
Maja Costa
2023|0:15:38|Germany, Italy|English, Italian, Yoruba|亚洲首映 Asia Premiere
My Zombie Grandpa|僵尸外公
钱柠 Qian Ning
2022|0:18:47|Chinese Mandarin
Yaser Talebi
2022|0:25:00|Iran|Persian|亚洲首映 Asia Premiere
Kalani Gacon
2023|0:19:58|Australia|English|国际首映 International Premiere

Sasha Gransjean
2023|0:28:00|USA, China, Portugal|English, Chinese Mandarin, Portuguese|世界首映 World Premiere
Sonido: Ivans & Tobis|声音:伊凡斯与托比斯
Diogo Baldaia
2023|0:20:00|Portugal|Portuguese, English|亚洲首映 Asia Premiere
Sometimes You Go Places|有时你会去一些地方
Christal Gallyot
2022|0:17:17|Singapore|Tagalog, English|世界首映 World Premiere
Was wir wollen|Of kisses and capes|我们的愿望
Elena Weiss
2023|0:27:53|Serbia, Germany|Serbian|亚洲首映 Asia Premiere
Let the sun rise|太阳照常升起
王智祥 Wang Zhixiang
2023|0:24:14|Chinese Dialect|亚洲首映 Asia Premiere
Chers parents|Dear Parents|亲爱的父母
Adele Shaykhulova
2023|0:19:48|France|French, Chinese Mandarin|世界首映 World Premiere
Odelya Atlasovitch
2023|0:35:00|Israel|Hebrew, English|世界首映World Premiere
Euridice, Euridice|欧律狄刻,欧律狄刻
Lora Mure-Ravaud
2022|0:41:26|France, Switzerland|Italian|中国大陆首映Chinese Mainland Premiere
Poupées de chair|Made of flesh|肉身娃娃
Florence Rochat, Séréna Robin
2022|0:18:40|France, Belgium|French|中国大陆首映 Chinese Mainland Premiere

Tout ceci vous reviendra|All of This Belongs to You|这一切都会属于你
Lilian Fanara
2022|0:29:49|France|French|亚洲首映 Asia Premiere
Iris Chassaigne, Jehnny Beth
2023|0:18:42|France|English|中国大陆首映Chinese Mainland Premiere
Sur la tombe de mon père|On my father's grave|在我父亲的坟墓上
Jawahine Zentar
2022|0:23:58|France, Morocco|French, Arabic|中国大陆首映Chinese Mainland Premiere
Mise à nu|Catching Birds|裸露
Simon Maria Kubiena, Lea Marie Lembke
2023|0:19:00|France, Austria, Germany|French|中国大陆首映Chinese Mainland Premiere
Le Garçon qui la nuit|The Blue Shelter|蓝色庇护所
Jérémy Piette
2023|0:26:13|France|French|亚洲首映 Asia Premiere
Europe by bidon|比东的欧洲冒险
Samuel Albaric, Thomas Trichet
2022|0:14:32|France|English, French|中国大陆首映Chinese Mainland Premiere
L’Eau Qui Dort|Where Still Water Lies|静水流深
Leïla Gentet
2023|0:26:00|France|French|世界首映 World Premiere
Konrad Kultys
2023|0:18:45|Poland|Polish|亚洲首映 Asia Premiere
杜震谦 Chun Him TO
2023|0:24:59|Hong Kong|Cantonese
Fake it till you make it|装到成功为止
Laura Petrone, Guillaume Kerbusch
2023|0:28:30|Belgium|French|亚洲首映 Asia Premiere
Baro Lee
2023|0:19:25|Australia|Korean|世界首映 World Premiere