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BISFF2024|SIPHON虹吸:恋地、游戏和显影学/Topophilia, Play, and Developology

SESSION 1 恋地 Topophilia


How does "space" transform into "place," and what role does time play in this process? In experimental films that are driven by location and space, images become a force that pulls between the inner and outer realms of the spirit. As we step into a garden, run across a field, or traverse a river, the image serves as a tether between ourselves and the world around us. Contemporary society has stripped geographical spaces of their dignity, reducing them to quantified entities for greater development and planning. Visual arts, on the other hand, seem to be the last resort to preserve the remaining mystery of these spaces, maintaining the unique and delicate spiritual umbilical cord that connects us to the ground beneath our feet and the landscapes that meet our gaze.

Zero Woods of the Wild Place, Josh Weissbach, 2023


A Short Film About Vanishing|关于消失的短片

Davide Palella

2024|0:03:00|Italy|No Dialogue|Asian Premiere


Kaiwen Ren

2024|0:04:42|US, China|Chinese Dialect|Asian Premiere

Tell It to Spring|向春天诉说

Juyi Mao

2024|0:07:15|US|No Dialogue|World Premiere

When The Crows Walk Home|乌鸦回家时

Rosa Prosser


Point Ahto|阿赫多海岬

Kaiwen Ren

2024|0:20:15|US|Chinese Dialect, Chinese Mandarin|Asian Premiere

July Twenty-seventh, Tour of Suzhou Gardens|七月二十七日,游苏州园林

Getong Wang

2024|0:08:00|China, US|Chinese Mandarin|Asian Premiere

Zero Woods of the Wild Place|野地空林

Josh Weissbach

2023|0:12:30|US|English|Chinese Mainland Premiere

SESSION 2 游戏 Play


Experimental film generates an intuitive "différance," where signs continuously proliferate within an open-ended play: forming or disrupting order, employing circuitous strategies, losing and gaining. Each segment and image attempts to become an intermediary state of the other, thereby giving rise to a protracted meaning. Fireworks, snow scenes, prints, and even color itself—seemingly homogeneous materials—are stripped of their center and root, devoid of direction. It is through their proliferation and flow that the body of the image is reshaped.

A Slippage in Five Movements, Valentina Rosset, 2024


Light, Noise, Smoke, and Light, Noise, Smoke|花火声影

Tomonari Nishikawa

2023|0:06:00|Japan|No Dialogue


Diego Felipe Cortés

2024|0:10:00|Colombia|Castilian Spanish|Asian Premiere


Pierre Yves Clouin

2024|0:02:20|France|No Dialogue|International Premiere


Gevorg Galstian

2024|0:05:06|Russian Federation, Turkey|No Dialogue|Asian Premiere


Tom Bessoir

2024|0:01:41|US|No Dialogue|International Premiere

Snowy Train|눈 내리는 기차|雪之列车

Kim Ji-hwan

2024|0:12:35|Korea, Switzerland|No Dialogue|Chinese Mainland Premiere

A Slippage in Five Movements|Um Tropeço em Cinco Movimentos|五段滑移

Valentina Rosset

2024|0:14:42|Brazil, US|No Dialogue|Asian Premiere

It's Called Round Like a Head|像头一样圆

Andrew Wood, Molly Pattison

2024|0:06:47|US|No Dialogue|Asian Premiere

A Monster with its Mouth Agape|大嘴怪

Steven McInerney

2024|0:10:00|UK|Japanese|Asian Premiere

SESSION 3+4 显影学 Developology


From the "developing" of film in the analog era to the "developing" required for AI-generated images, "developology" attempts to bridge the gap between these two ends of image technology. It delves into the ontology of images from the perspective of their production, exploring everything from chemical molecules to strings of code. The goal is to find common ground between these two extremes. Ideally, developology should evolve into a discipline dedicated to studying how images "manifest." What, exactly, "generates" an image? From archive to archive, from algorithm to algorithm, from universal standardization to universal standardization... despite the seemingly constant overturning of media formats, there remains an underlying logic that connects them all. For images do not simply become the world by representing it; images themselves are the world.

Remote Occlusions, Utkarsh, 2024


A Flawless Garden|Um Jardim Perfeito|无瑕花园

Enrico Piffer

2024|0:08:41|Brazil, UK|Portuguese|World Premiere


Jorge Moneo Quintana

2024|0:05:07|Spain|No Dialogue|Asian Premiere


Hsin-Yu Chen

2024|0:02:37|France, Taiwan|No Dialogue|Asian Premiere

Remote Occlusions|远程遮蔽


2024|0:15:38|India|No Dialogue|Chinese Mainland Premiere

Is All Around|无处不在

Bram Ruiter

2024|0:03:28|Netherlands|Flemish Dutch|Asian Premiere

This Is Not|这不是

Slawomir Milewski

2024|0:04:30|Poland, UK|English|Asian Premiere

Latitude Mesh|纬度网格

Agnès Hayden

2024|0:18:13|Canada, Spain|English|Asian Premiere

Diffused Surface, Yuxuan Qi, 2024



Liu Yewen, Liu Shuai

2024|0:07:01|China|English, Chinese Mandarin|Chinese Mainland Premiere



2024|0:09:21|UK|English|International Premiere

Body-oddy-oddy-oddy: Destabilizing the Surveilling of Queer Bodies|奇身异体:颠覆酷儿身体监视

Benjamin Rosenthal, Eric Souther

2024|0:09:23|US|No Dialogue|Asian Premiere

Diffused Surface|弥散的表面

Yuxuan Qi

2024|0:07:32|US|No Dialogue|International Premiere

I’m About to Dream|快速动眼睡眠

Huang Siyi

2024|0:15:00|China|Chinese Mandarin


Guli Silberstein

2023|0:07:30|UK|English|Asian Premiere

check here to see full SIPHON list

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