人际关系拥有无尽的可能性。纵向来看,它可以是关系在不同时间段的可能性——单纯热络并且不可名状的喜爱(Like Fireworks),从关系的发生来认识自己的过程(Turning),对性关系的探索与享受(Strawberry Night),自我的再次迷茫与厌弃(North of North),意外之外却稍纵即逝的救赎(Eyeshadow)。人对于自己的认识往往是从和别人的交往里逐渐清晰或者幡然醒悟的。这些关系的可能性既可以发生在一个人身上,横向来看,也可以是不同人平行世界里的可能。它们从不同的维度展现了关系的不同层次。这是“平行之肤”单元最有趣的地方——在一个有既定范畴的题材里,并没有选择不同身份的人来完整这个题材,而是选择不同关系的存在来开放这个题材。
The possibility of relationships is huge. Chronologically, it can be one relationship in different stages: implicit puppy love(Like Fireworks), self-understanding within the relationship(Turning), exploration and joy of sexual relationship(Strawberry Night), lost and self-loathing(North of North), surprising but fleeting encounter with someone who give redemption(Eyeshadow). The process of self-understanding — gradually or suddenly — is usually issued from one or several relationships. Those relationships mentioned could be happened to a single one person or to different people in different world. They shows the possibility of relationships in different dimensions. This is he most interesting element of Parallel Skin section — in a given subject, these films are not chosen because of identities of those characters, but because of the existence of different relationships.
These films also use different cinema languages in different dimensions. As a programmer of film festival, I also need to select good short films among a large number of shorts every year. I always think about the uniqueness of short film. What a short film could be? It is not a prelude, supplement, fragment or adjunct to a long film. It is complete itself. It could be beyond the limit of storytelling by experimenting the possibility of cinema language. These short film are not in pursuit of a ‘correct’ scenario. They are more like experiments of cinema language on expressing personal perception. The filmmakers tries to learn, imite and create a new pattern of cinema language. These films seems intimate and rouge, but they show the possibility of cinema. I hope you will enjoy them. It would be nice to take this as an opportunity to catch the possibility of yourself.(Yu JIng)
Strawberry Night 凌晨四点 25:00 China Chinese Chen Yusha 陈语沙 2019
Last Words 离别之言 05:53 USA English Hugo Ljungbäck 2018
Turning 转向 01:51 Sweden English Linnéa Haviland 2019
Eyeshadow 眼影 21:22 Chile Spanish Manuel Morales 2018
North of North 北方之北 14:28 China Chinese Zeng Tony 2019
Like fireworks 宛如煙火 15:00 Taiwan Chinese TING-WEI,CHANG 2019