肋异 Rib Abnormality
Time:FromNovember 10th to 20th, 2017 18:00-01:00(Closed on Monday)
Location:DESTINATION( NO.7 destination, west Gongti Road,Zhaoyang District, Beijing City
Gender, emotion, body and such key words are filledwith the basis for human existence. At the moment, special spatial context ofgay culture will add the awareness of works, the body behaviors of creators andthe expression of thinking decode also melt into the background, which makesunable for people to discern where the ending is.
Characteristics and emotion, oppression and relief, wechose six short film as a special project of the group exhibition, so we canextend the meaning of these unclear confrontation and cooperation in a specialroom.
Is image field strengthened or weakened on earth whenthe position of image participates in the expression of image? It willunconsciously have a replacement when the position of image achieves a kind ofagreement; Image may be used as the body itself, it is moved, touched, stared at,protected, given mercy, treated rudely, then we are also approaching theanswers of some problems.
The Works
苏波比亚Superbia/卢卡·多茜Luca Tóth/捷克Czech/2016/16’
2016 戛纳电影节 影评人周 最佳动画短片提名、2016 安纳西动画电影节 评委大奖

然后Smokers Die Slowly Together /郑陆心源Zheng Lu xinyuan/中国China/2017/12’

与魔鬼共舞的女孩The Girl who danced with the Devil /约翰·保罗·米兰达·玛利亚 João Paulo Miranda Maria /巴西 Brazil / 2016/15’
2016 戛纳电影节 制片特别荣誉奖 短片金棕榈特别提及、2016伦敦电影节 最佳短片提名、2017巴西电影学会奖最佳短片提名

时那儿Cipka/蕾娜塔·加西奥洛甫斯卡Renata GĄSIOROWSKA/波兰Poland2017/8’
2017克莱蒙费朗短片节 最佳动画短片、2017 西雅图国际电影节 最佳短片、2017 圣丹斯 电影节评委会大奖特别提及、2017 西南偏南电影节 评审团特别大奖

时空幻象编号20151129 Spacetime illusion No.20151129 /柴觅(中国)/2016 /18’

About the Space

目的地是亚洲最大的 LGBT 多元文化娱乐中心,成立于2004年8月。旗下有目的地艺术中心、目的地酒吧、Des Link 餐吧、目的地同志中心等品牌。目的地艺术中心是三里屯区域的艺术中心,曾举办《游园君梦》系列等青年先锋艺术家展览,与国内外艺术家密切合作;Des Link:BAR & FOOD, CONNECTING US AND THEM! 目的地同志中心会举办健康讲座、电影放映、舞蹈课程等,旨在倡导多元文化。
电话:(+86 10)6551 5138