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Submit 作品投报

北京国际短片联展2024 作品征集中

​Submission for BISFF 2024 is right on.

征片截止日期 / Deadlines to respect:



Films completed between June 1st, 2023 and June 1st, 2024: Online submission should be completed and viewing material be sent with a postmark on August 23rd, 2024 at the latest. Films completed from June 2nd, 2024 onwards: Online submission should be completed and viewing material be sent with a postmark on September 27th, 2024 at the latest.

* There is no guarantee that films registered or sent and postmarked after the above-mentioned deadlines will be previewed.

  • 报名影片需通过在线报名平台并填报在线表格进行资料提交:
​All films sent to the festival must be submitted by completing the online form, via platforms: 
​For submitters who cannot use the platforms above, please email to (international films), or (Chinese films). 
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