Nikita Yingqian Cai
Nikita Yingqian Cai is currently Chief Curator at Guangdong Times Museum. She co-curated Big Tail Elephants: One Hour, No Room, Five Shows in 2016 and has curated series of thematic group shows and solo surveys of mid-career artists such as Jiang Zhi, Roman Ondák and Omer Fast. Her recent curatorial research and practice have been focusing on issues of gender, alternative modernity and transnational trajectories between China and the global south, presented in the latest exhibition Pan Yuliang: A Journey to Silence and the research initiative of All the Way South. She initiated and curates the para-curatorial symposium and “All the Way South” research residency.
现为广东时代美术馆学术副馆长及首席策展人。她策划了时代异托邦三部曲等系列群展,罗曼·欧达科、奥尔马·法斯特、周滔、林从欣等职业中期艺术家的在中国的首次机构个展,以及“大尾象:一小时、没空间、五回展”(2016)、“潘玉良:沉默的旅程”(2017)、“非黑/非红/非黄/非女”(柏林,2019)等研究性群展。她的大量写作见于各类艺术媒体及出版物,也是泛策展系列和“一路向南”驻地研究网络的发起者,电子期刊On Our Times的主编及“生滚粥”主播,并于2019年获得亚洲文化协会的研究奖学金。