ZHENG Lu Xinyuan
Filmmaker / Artist
导演 / 艺术家
Zheng Lu Xinyuan is a filmmaker and visual artist based in Hangzhou, China. She graduated from School of Cinematic Arts, USC with a Film Production MFA. Her recent essay film Jet Lag (2022) premiered at 72nd Berlinale, Forum. Xinyuan’s feature debut The Cloud in Her Room (2020) won the Tiger Award at Rotterdam International Film Festival. Previously, her short films were selected into various film festivals such as Tribeca Film Festival, First Xining International Film Festival, China Independent Film Festival amongst others. Xinyuan cultivates a personal visual practice that explores the boundaries of various media as well as of articulation itself.
杭州人,毕业于美国南加州大学电影制作专业。长片首作《她房间里的云》获第49届鹿特丹国际电影节金虎奖,第44届香港国际电影节火鸟奖(华语)。其最新论文电影《Jet Lag》入选2022柏林电影节论坛单元。短片作品曾入选纽约Tribeca电影节、西宁FIRST青年电影展、CIFF中国独立影展等。她从平面摄影、街头艺术,到展场与动态影像,探索着媒材与表达的形式和边界。