Born in 1976 in Changsha, Hunan Province, Zhou Tao studied at the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts and received a bachelor of fine arts in oil painting in 2001 and a master of fine arts in mixed-media studies in 2006. Currently lives in Guangzhou, Zhou Tao finds visual and narrative materials for his arresting film works in the places and communities he encounters, and the narration of the film is often developed from the accumulation of the encountered moments. There is no single entry to the practice of Zhou Tao, through often subtle and humorous interactions with people, things, actions, locations and situations, Zhou’s videos invite us to experience the multiple trajectories of reality—what he once called the “folding scenario” or the “zone with folds.” Although all of his footage captures actual scenes, the poetics of Zhou’s visual narratives dissolve the division between fact and fiction. For him, the use of moving image is not a deliberate choice of artistic language or medium, instead, the operation of the camera is a way of being that blends itself with everyday life.
Zhou Tao has participated in international exhibitions and biennales, including Viva Arte Viva, 57th International Art Exhibition of La Biennale di Venezia, Venice, 2017; Sharjah Biennial 13, Sharjah, 2017; Tales of Our Time, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, 2016; APT8, Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, Brisbane, 2015; “Social Factory” - 10th Shanghai Biennale, Shanghai, 2014; The 5th Auckland Triennial: If you were to live here……, Auckland, 2013, etc. He received the awards including “FUGAS Feature Film Section - Jury Award”, Documenta Madrid in 2018, the 1st Prize of the Jury of the Ministry, 61st Oberhausen International Short Film Festival in 2015 and the 1st Han Nefkens Foundation BACC Award for Contemporary Art in Asia in 2013.
于2001 年获得广州美术学院油画专业学士学位,2006 年获得混合媒介专业硕士学位。周滔近年参加的一系列国际展览包括:“ 艺术万岁”,第57 届威尼斯双年展,威尼斯,2017 ;“ 第13 届沙迦双年展”,沙迦,2017 ;“ 故事新编”,所罗门. R . 古根海姆美术馆,纽约,2016 ;“ 第八届亚太平洋当代艺术三年展”,布里斯班,2014 ;“ 社会工厂”,第十届上海双年展,上海,2014 ;“ 第五届奥克兰三年展:假如你将生活在这里”,奥克兰,2013 等。获奖经历包括:“FUGAS Feature Film Section - 评审团奖”,DocumentaMadrid,马德里,2018;第61 届奥伯豪森国际短片电影节,评委会大奖首奖,2015; 首届汉涅夫金斯基金会曼谷艺术及文化中心,当代亚洲艺术奖,2013。