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李星星 Estelle Li

Estelle Li is an independent documentary filmmaker. Since 2021, she has filmed several short documentary films, including "Village, It"(New Asia Film Collective's workshop, 2021, China), "Rencontres"(La Fémis's workshop, 2021, France), "14+7"(2022) and "Our invisible scars"(FamilyLens' workshop, 2023, China). In 2022, she created her own production lab "C'est bizarre mais rigolo". Currently, She is in the production phase of her feature-length documentary project “Beyond Light and Shadow”

李星星,纪录影像创作者。纪录短片作品有:《村庄,它们》(新亚洲影志,2021)、《遇见》(La Fémis法国国立影音学院,2021)、《14+7》(2022)以及《我们置若罔闻的疤痕》(FamilyLens, 2023)。目前,她的中长片纪录项目《自然生长》(暂定名)正在拍摄中。

Our invisible scars


Our invisible scars
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