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Related Film 相关作品

王歌曈 Getong Wang

Getong is an MFA Film and Video Production student at the University of Iowa. He creates works that derive from his interests in experimental film, poetry, and music. They often touch upon subjects like Asian American diaspora, Chinese classical poetry, space in relation to memory, and the ambiguity and fallout between fantasy and reality.

王歌曈,本科毕业于芝加哥艺术学院,现于爱荷华大学就读电影和视频创作MFA。他作品灵感常源于对于实验电影、音乐和诗歌的兴趣,题材上关注于美国亚裔离散、中国古典诗词、空间与记忆的关系、以及幻想和现实之间的暧昧和所产生的落差。他的作品曾入选美国Cosmic Rays电影节、Light Matter电影节和巴西Festival ECRÃ电影节。

Dream of Splendor


Dream of Splendor
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