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金子亦 Ziyi Jin

金子亦,独立电影导演。 毕业于加州艺术学院(CalArts)电影导演专业。她的电影着眼于生活碎片,在特定的人文语境下洞见无法消解的人性矛盾。作品《白马,银矿》曾入围国内外多个电影节,如奥斯卡学院认证的墨西哥瓜纳华托国际电影节、北京国际短片联展等。2023年4月荣获宝格丽闪耀之辉大奖。同年,她的电影 《五个钻石戒指》入选2023山一学院女导演短片扶持计划。

Ziyi Jin earned her MFA in Film Directing program at the California Institute of the Arts. By presenting fragments of daily life, she gives an insight into “unsolvable” human contradictions. Her short film "White Horses, Silver Mine" has been selected and screened at multiple international film festivals including the Academy-qualifying Guanajuato International Film Festival, TIQFF, etc. In 2023, She was awarded the Bvlgari Awards; Her film "Lost and Found in a Pond" was selected as The one short film project for women directors.

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