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Alfredo Marimon Carcamo
Graduated in Film and Television from the National University of Colombia. He co-directed and co-produced the documentary “El Corral”, official selection of the Oberhausen International Short Film Festival, Entrevues Belfort, ZINEBI, MIDBO, among others. Winner of the FEISAL award at the Havana Film Festival in 2019 and special mention from the Jury at the Colombian Film Festival in New York. Invited to the production workshop of the Málaga Film Festival 2020 – Málaga Talents. Invited to Talents de Buenos Aires 2021. Since 2022 he has been a programmer of the Cartagena International Film Festival.
阿尔弗雷多·马里蒙·卡尔卡莫 (Alfredo Marimon Carcamo) 毕业于哥伦比亚国立大学的电影与电视专业。他共同导演并制作了纪录片《El Corral》,该片被选为奥伯豪森国际短片电影节、贝尔福特影展、ZINEBI、MIDBO等多个影展的官方入围作品。2019年获哈瓦那电影节FEISAL奖,并在纽约哥伦比亚电影节获得评审团特别提及。2020年受邀参加马拉加电影节的制作研讨会——马拉加人才计划。2021年受邀参加布宜诺斯艾利斯人才计划。自2022年起,他成为卡塔赫纳国际电影节的策展人。