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Allison Chhorn

Allison Chhorn (b. 1992) is a Cambodian-Australian filmmaker and multidisciplinary artist whose work explores themes of migrant displacement, trauma and the repetition of memory. Chhorn made several feature films, as well as directing numerous short films, site-specific video installations and documentaries. Her work has screened at festivals around the world.

出生于1992年的Allison Chhorn是一位柬埔寨-澳大利亚电影人和多领域艺术家,在作品中探讨移民流离,创伤和记忆的重复性等主题。Chhorn制作了多部长短电影作品,为特定场馆创作的录像装置和纪录片。她的作品在世界各地的电影节均有展映。

The Plastic House


The Plastic House
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