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BO Hanxiong
Hanxiong Bo is a filmmaker born and raised in Beijing and based in Los Angeles. He received his BFA degree in Film and Media Arts from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago and his MFA degree in Film Directing from the University of California, Los Angeles. His latest short film DRIFTING premiered at the 67th San Sebastian International Film Festival, was a Student Academy Award Semifinalist. Bo was selected to participate in the 2020 Werner Herzog’s Filmmaking Workshop in Colombia. He is also a 2020 Cine Qua Non Screenwriters Lab fellow and the recipient of both the Jack Nicholson Distinguished Student Director Award and the HFPA Directing Fellowship. Bo is currently developing his first feature film in L.A.
薄汉雄出生于北京,本科毕业于中国传媒大学与芝加哥艺术学院。研究生毕业于美国加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)电影导演系。他的最新短片作品《漂流》首映于第67届圣塞巴斯蒂安国际电影节,获得了2020年冰岛雷克雅未克国际电影节的最佳国际短片奖、日本奈良国际电影节学生单元金鹿奖等多个奖项、并入围学生奥斯卡的半决赛名单。薄汉雄还入选了2020年沃纳.赫尔佐格创办的电影训练营。 作为电影创作者,他善于捕捉容易被人忽略但能让所有人共情的生活细节。他创作的故事多以人类情感为基础,希望用电影的语言来去反应普通人所害怕、所挣扎、不敢分享的故事。薄汉雄曾经作为掌机参与弗朗西斯.科波拉的最新实验电影作品《Distant Vision》。 目前薄汉雄在洛杉矶开发个人第一部长片作品。