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Carina Pierro Corso
Carina Pierro Corso is a visual artist, animator and director. She has a degree in Visual Arts from IA-UNICAMP* and did a master’s degree in Sound and Image with a specialization in animation at EA-UCP**. She is the director of the short film “tudo que fica na superfície morre” (2021), winner of the Prêmio Nacional da Animação in 2022, as “best student film". She also created the animation “please touch / please touch”, shown as an artistic installation at Panorama #22 and Porto Femme 2023.
卡琳娜·皮耶罗·科尔索(Carina Pierro Corso)是一位视觉艺术家、动画师和导演。她拥有坎皮纳斯州立大学(IA-UNICAMP)视觉艺术学位,并在EA-UCP完成了声音与影像硕士学位,专攻动画。她执导的短片《浮于表面的终将消亡》(tudo que fica na superfície morre, 2021)在2022年获得Prêmio Nacional da Animação“最佳学生影片”奖。她还创作了动画《请触摸/请触摸》(please touch / please touch),作为艺术装置在第22届Panorama展和2023年Porto Femme展出。