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Related Film 相关作品

Cristóbal León


Cristóbal León and Joaquín Cociña (both 1980, Chile) have been working together since 2007. They were educated at the Universidad Católica, Santiago de Chile. León also studied at UDK (Berlin) and De Ateliers (Amsterdam).With their experimental films, Leon and Cociña create a new interpretation of the religious symbolism and magical rituals.

克里斯托巴尔·莱昂,雅坤·柯西尼亚(1980年,智利)自2007年以来合作至今,曾同在智利圣地亚哥的卡塔利卡大学学习。莱昂也曾在UDK(柏林)和De Ateliers(阿姆斯特丹)学习。在他们的实验电影中,León和Cociña对宗教象征和魔法仪式做出了新的诠释。

The Wolf House


The Wolf House
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