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Daniela Coconubo

Daniela is an industrial designer. The methods learned in his professions have allowed him to translate them into filmmaking. Daniela Was an actress in the movie Desaparecer (2018), them she was a field producers in the movie Cerdos (2020). In 2021 Daniela obstain an honorable mention with the film Paso (2021) In 2021 she wins an incentive to make his first professional shortfilm Estirpe (2023)

丹尼拉·科科努博(Daniela Coconubo)是一位工业设计师,她运用专业学到的方法将其转变为电影制作。她曾是电影《Desaparecer》(2018)中的女演员,并担任了电影《Cerdos》(2020)的制片人。2021年,她以电影《Paso》(2021)获得了电影节提名。

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